Thursday, October 8, 2015

Dance of Shiva


This is the creation-destruction tandava of Shiva Nataraj symbolizing the dance of life, the leela. The Nataraj is a symbol of freedom.
Be true to your Self and don’t waver off on the wrong courses. There’s so many roads you could get lost in. Stay present, stay true to your Self, your pure Self.
Do not mistake the self to be the ego self, but rather the pure self or The Self. Some people wrap it around their personal self, what I want, what I can manifest for me. That’s not this at all. That is the shadow side, push that away. The pure self is what you come into alignment with. That’s being true to your Self. Let the dance of Shiva rock your world and find that freedom.
Shiva Nataraj is standing on that little ego.. he’s going to dance on ego. that little ego is down there going with it’s tongue out.. it’s done.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Blessings of Beauty and Light

The spirit begins by conveying imagery of a clear pool with running water.  The water is very clear and the pool is surrounded by beautiful lush greenery.  A female form appears in the water, unclothed and etheric in nature; an angelic being.  She came to be blessed with energy and light and to bless others.  She wants to bless G and Siddhananda for their work and to surround all here with beauty and light.  She says, “I just decided to bless this place.